Monday, February 16, 2009

Economy Strains Under Weight of Unsold Items

Harvard UniversityImage via Wikipedia

Economy Strains Under Weight of Unsold Items - "'In China, during the boom, there was huge over-capacity in various lines of activity ranging from shoes and clothing, light manufacturing -- all of that stuff. So that is why from the perspective of U.S. companies, we have found it so important to be on the innovative edge,' said Harvard business professor Joseph L. Bower. 'The only way to create value is to be on the innovative, high-tech, fashion-forward side.'

If the credit crunch in the United States persists, 'companies will find it difficult to invest in technology for a while, and then once the financial markets are back on track and demand recovers, companies will find themselves in difficult position,' Comin said. 'Productivity growth will be declining for a while. They will have a hard time catching up."

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